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发布日期:2025-01-04 16:15    点击次数:144

熙和云汀雅园售楼处电话☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔熙和云汀雅园官方电话☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔苏州熙和云汀雅园售楼处电话☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔熙和云汀雅园售楼处电话☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔熙和云汀雅园官方电话☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔苏州熙和云汀雅园售楼处电话☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔【熙和云汀雅园】▸产品规划:二十幢17F-26F高层▸建筑风格:国际现代风格▸总套数:1282户▸产品面积:约105—170㎡▸物业公司:浙江华蓝物业(蓝城物业)▸容积率:约2.3▸绿地率:约45%▸车位配比:1:1.72▸交付标准:装修交付(含三大件)▸交房时间:预计2026年(具体月份待定)熙和云汀雅园售楼处电话☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔熙和云汀雅园官方电话☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔苏州熙和云汀雅园售楼处电话☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔【巨幕瞰湖视野】熙和云汀雅园售楼处电话☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔熙和云汀雅园官方电话☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔苏州熙和云汀雅园售楼处电话☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔为不辜负天赐湖岸,产品设计上精益求精,约160㎡B户型,南向奢阔宽厅连通270°L型景观阳台,与湖无界,与景相连。【全球精装序列】熙和云汀雅园售楼处电话☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔熙和云汀雅园官方电话☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔苏州熙和云汀雅园售楼处电话☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔出于对居住品质的极致考量,甄选威能、东芝、西门子等国际一线品牌,全面为生活品质保驾护航。【王牌明星户型】熙和云汀雅园售楼处电话☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔熙和云汀雅园官方电话☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔苏州熙和云汀雅园售楼处电话☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔深度洞察苏州改善家庭的居住需求,满足全生命周期居住享受。以罕见全横厅产品,满足业主对功能化和社交互动的双重需求,体验全面屏生活想象。熙和云汀雅园售楼处电话☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔熙和云汀雅园官方电话☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔苏州熙和云汀雅园售楼处电话☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔独墅湖西新房难得上车机会值此熙和云汀雅园约105-170㎡湖岸生活样板已公开火热预约中!熙和云汀雅园售楼处电话☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔熙和云汀雅园官方电话☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔苏州熙和云汀雅园售楼处电话☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔▲效果图熙和云汀雅园售楼处电话☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔熙和云汀雅园官方电话☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔苏州熙和云汀雅园售楼处电话☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔熙和云汀雅园售楼处电话☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔熙和云汀雅园官方电话☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔苏州熙和云汀雅园售楼处电话☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔熙和云汀雅园售楼处电话☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔熙和云汀雅园官方电话☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔苏州熙和云汀雅园售楼处电话☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔1. Real Estate1、房地产It refers to the property with land and house as the material existence form.是指以土地和房屋作为物质存在形态的财产。It is made up of two parts: real estate and real estate.它是由房产和地产两大部分组成。The so-called real estate refers to the property with the house as the material carrier;所谓房产,是指以房屋作为物质载体的财产;The so-called real estate refers to the property with land as the material carrier.所谓地产,是指以土地作为物质载体的财产。Its characteristics are: (1) firmness;其特征有:(1)固定性;(2) permanence;(2)永久性;(3) individuality;(3)个别性;(4) Value preservation and appreciation.(4)保值性与增值性。2. Real estate2、房地产业Refers to the industry engaged in real estate development, operation, management and service.是指从事房地产开发、经营、管理和服务的产业。It includes: land development, housing construction, maintenance, management, compensated allocation, transfer, transfer of land use rights, house ownership sales, leasing, pawning, real estate mortgage, and the resulting real estate market.它包括:土地的开发、房屋的建设、维修、管理,土地使用权的有偿划拨、出让、转让、房屋所有权的买卖、租赁、典当、房地产的抵押,以及由此形成的房地产市场。3. Three channels and one level3、三通一平Refers to the development work in the early stage of construction, refers to the construction site to achieve road, water, electric and site leveling.是指建设前期的开发工作,指施工现场达到路通、水通、电通和场地平整。"Three links" refers to the road, water supply and drainage pipes and power supply lines outside the red line of the development zone into the construction site, and "one level" refers to the land level of the construction site.“三通”是把开发区红线以外的道路,给排水管道、供电线引入施工现场,“一平”是把施工现场的土地进行平整。4. Seven channels and one level4、七通一平Refers to a large development zone or important development project construction preparation requirements.指大的开发区或重要的开发项目施工准备工作的要求。The "seven links" include road, water supply, drainage, electric power, communication, gas and heat.“七通”包括道路通、给水通、排水通、电力通、通讯通、煤气通、热力通。"One level" means that the land is flat.“一平”是土地平整。5. Plan red lines5、规划红线It is the calibration of the scope of construction land, which is usually given by the city coordinates of the land corner or by referring to the distance of buildings.是对建设用地范围的标定,通常以用地角点的城市坐标或参照建筑物距离给定。6. Affordable housing6、保障性住房It is a concept corresponding to commercial housing (referred to as commercial housing). Affordable housing refers to the housing with limited standards, limited prices or rents provided by the government for low-income families with housing difficulties, consisting of low-rent housing, affordable housing, two-limited housing and policy-based rental housing.是与商品性住房(简称商品房)相对应的一个概念,保障性住房是指政府为中低收入住房困难家庭所提供的限定标准、限定价格或租金的住房,由廉租住房、经济适用住房、两限房和政策性租赁住房等构成。7. Affordable housing7、经济适用房It refers to the commodity housing with the nature of social security, which is the ordinary housing built by the state to solve the housing problem of low - and middle-income families, and has the characteristics of economy and applicability.指具有社会保障性质的商品住宅,是国家为解决中低收入家庭住房问题而修建的普通住房,具有经济性和适用性的特点。This kind of housing is also called economic and practical housing because of the reduction of municipal supporting costs (including the removal of land transfer fees, reducing the municipal supporting costs by 50%, and priority to enjoy bank credit, its cost is lower than ordinary commercial housing, and provides a lower fixed profit rate of 3%).这类住宅因减免了市政配套等费用,(其中包括免去土地出让金,削减了市政配套费用的50%,并且优先享受银行信贷,其成本低于普通商品房,并且规定了较低的固定利润率3%),故又称经济实用房。8. Policy rental housing8、政策性租赁住房Some areas are also called public rental housing, which is owned by the government or a public body and rented to newly employed workers at a price below the market rate or what the tenants can afford.某些地区也叫公共租赁房,归政府或公共机构所有,用低于市场价或承租者能承受的价格向新就业职工出租。Its purpose is to solve the housing difficulties of low-income families whose family income is higher than the standard for low-rent housing and who cannot afford to buy affordable housing.其目的是解决家庭收入高于享受廉租房标准而又无力购买经济适用房的低收入家庭的住房困难。9, two limited rooms9、两限房The full name is limited house price, limited apartment type ordinary commodity housing, also known as "two limits" commodity housing.全称为限房价、限套型普通商品住房,也被称为“两限”商品住房。Two limited housing refers to the approval of the urban people's government, on the basis of limiting the proportion of apartments and limiting the sales price, by bidding to determine the development and construction units of residential projects in the way of competing land prices and house prices, and the winning unit will build in accordance with the agreed standards and sell medium and low price, small and medium-sized ordinary commodity housing for eligible residents at the agreed price.两限房指经城市人民政府批准,在限制套型比例、限定销售价格的基础上,以竞地价、竞房价的方式,招标确定住宅项目开发建设单位,由中标单位按照约定标准建设,按照约定价位面向符合条件的居民销售的中低价位、中小套型普通商品住房。At present, the first batch of price limit housing provisions: the construction area of the price limit housing is all below 90 square meters.目前情况来看,首批限价房规定:限价房的套型建筑面积全部为90平方米以下。10. Owner-occupied commercial housing10、自住型商品房In 2013, the Beijing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-Rural Development launched the first self-occupied commercial housing, which is priced about 30% lower than the surrounding commercial housing, and is aimed at families who meet the conditions of purchase restriction in the city.北京市住建委2013年首次推出自住型商品房,此类住房价格比周边商品住房低30%左右,面向全市符合限购条件的家庭;Such housing may not be listed for five years after purchase, and 30% of the listing proceeds shall be handed over to the Treasury after five years.购买此类住房后五年内不得上市,五年后上市收益的30%上交财政。The building area of the set is mainly below 90 square meters, and the maximum building area of the set shall not exceed 140 square meters套型建筑面积以90㎡以下为主,最大套型建筑面积不得超过140㎡11. Classification of commercial housing11、商品房分类According to the use, can be divided into residential, office, shops, etc.;按用途,可分为住宅、写字楼、商铺等;According to the floor, can be divided into low-rise, multi-storey, small high-rise, high-rise, super high-rise and so on.按楼层,可分为低层、多层、小高层、高层、超高层等。12. Low-rise buildings12、低层建筑A residential building of one to three stories.指1-3层的住宅建筑。Multi-storey buildings: residential buildings of 4-6 storeys.多层建筑:指4-6层的住宅建筑。Medium and high rise buildings: residential buildings with 7-9 floors.中高层建筑:指7-9层的住宅建筑。High-rise buildings: refers to residential buildings with 10 to more than 10 storeys or public buildings and comprehensive buildings with a total height of more than 24 meters.高层建筑:指10层至10层以上的住宅建筑或总高度超过24米的公共建筑及综合性建筑。Supertall buildings: residential or public buildings with a height of more than 100 meters.超高层建筑:指高度超过100米的住宅或公共建筑。13, the durability of the house13、住宅的耐久年限That is, the service life of the house is generally 50 years.即住宅的使用寿命一般为50年。14. Club14、会所A comprehensive recreational and recreation service facility for the owners of the property.以所在物业业主为主要服务对象的综合性康体娱乐服务设施。15. Tower15、塔楼A residential building with stairs and elevators as the core (generally high-rise residential buildings).以楼梯、电梯为核心所组成的住宅(一般为高层住宅)。16. Board building16、板楼A dwelling consisting of multiple units arranged.由多个单元排列组成的住宅。17. Jump floor17、跃层A house occupies the upper and lower floors, and the upper and lower floors are connected by the unique internal stairs instead of the public stairs.一套住宅占有上、下两个楼层,上下层不通过公共楼梯而采用户内独有的内部楼梯联系上下层。18. Compound18、复式In the construction, each family still occupies the upper and lower floors, but in practice, an additional mezzanine is built in the higher storey.在建造上仍每户占有上下两层,但实际是在层高较高的一层楼中增建一个夹层。19. Split-level19、错层The height of the floor in the household is not consistent, and the staggered place is connected by stairs.户内楼面高度不一致,错开之处有楼梯联系。But it's not completely two-tiered.但没有完全分为两层。(Suitable for large-area housing, small units will appear cramped)(适合大面积住宅,小户型会显得局促)20. Go deep20、进深The actual length of a house between the front and back walls.一间房屋从前墙皮到后墙皮之间的实际长度。21. Open a room21、开间The width of the house refers to the actual distance between one wall and another wall, also known as the width of the face.住宅的宽度,指一间墙皮到另一面墙皮之间的实际距离,也叫面宽。22. Standard layer22、标准层Same floor plan.平面布置相同的楼层。23. Height23、层高The height of the first floor of the house.房屋一层的高度。Refers to the distance between the lower floor and the upper floor.指下层楼板面到上层楼板面之间的距离。24. Clear height24、净高The distance between the lower floor or upper surface of the floor and the lower surface of the upper floor.下层地板面或楼板上表面到上层楼板下表面之间的距离。The relationship between net height and floor height can be expressed by the formula: net height = floor height - floor thickness.净高和层高的关系可用公式表示为:净高=层高-楼板厚度。25. Building spacing25、建筑间距It refers to the reasonable distance between buildings.是指建筑之间应保持的合理距离。It is usually determined by the sunshine interval.通常以日照间距来确定。That is, the distance between the two buildings when the sun shines through the rear eaves of the front building and the windowsill of the bottom floor of the back building at the noon of the winter solstice.即冬至正午时太阳光照经前幢房屋后檐至后幢房屋底楼窗台时两幢建筑之间的距离。Determination criteria: sunshine standard, full window sunshine on the ground floor of the house is not less than 1 consecutive hour (winter solstice) or 2 consecutive hours (major cold day).确定标准:日照标准,住宅底层满窗日照不少于连续1小时(冬至日)或连续2小时(大寒日)。26, sunshine spacing includes front spacing and side spacing26、日照间距包括正面间距和侧面间距27, sunshine distance coefficient27、日照间距系数According to the sunshine standard, the ratio between the house spacing and the eave height of the shelter room is determined, and the board building is 1.6 due south and north, and the tilt is more than 20 degrees 1.4.按照日照标准确定房屋间距与遮挡房屋檐高的比值,板楼正南正北1.6、倾斜20度以上1.4。28. Apartment type28、户型The number and size of each house.每户居室的数量和大小。Unit ratio: The proportion of each unit in the total number of units.户型比:各种户型在总户数中所占的比例。29, housing property rights29、房屋产权It refers to the owner's right to possess, use, benefit and dispose of property, which is a kind of real right.指所有者对财产的占有、使用、收益和处分的权利,是物权的一种。The rights of the owner of a property under national law.指房产所有者按国家法律规定所享有的权利。30. Building area30、建筑面积The shared common building area within the building area.套内建筑面积分摊的公用建筑面积。31. Floors with an inner floor height of less than 2.2 meters shall not be considered as building area.31、建筑物内层高低于2.2米的楼层不计建筑面积。32. Building area within the set32、套内建筑面积Use area inside the suite + wall area inside the suite + balcony building area套内使用面积+套内墙体面积+阳台建筑面积33, public area33、公摊面积The building area of public hall, corridor, elevator shaft, stairwell, garbage passage, power substation room, equipment room, basement, on-duty police room, etc., and other public and management rooms that functionally serve the whole building.公共门厅、过道、电梯井、楼梯间、垃圾道、变电室、设备房、地下室、值班进警室等以及其他功能上为整座楼服务的公共用房和管理用房的建筑面积。The separation between the units and the public building space of the building and half of the horizontal projected area of the external wall.套和各单元与楼宇公共建筑空间之间的分隔以及外墙墙体水平投影面积的一半。34, the closed balcony is included in the building area according to the actual area, and the unclosed balcony is included in the building area according to half of the actual area34、封闭阳台按实际面积计入建筑面积,未封闭阳台按实际面积的一半计入建筑面积35. Use area35、使用面积The sum of the net area directly used for production and living in each floor plane of the building is commonly known as the carpet area.建筑物各层平面中直接为生产生活使用的净面积的总和,俗称地毯面积。36. Utilization rate36、使用率The ratio of use area to building area.使用面积与建筑面积之比。(Utilization rate = used area/building area)(使用率=使用面积/建筑面积)37, practical rate37、实用率Also known as the room rate, is a set of building area and building area ratio.也称得房率,是套内建筑面积和建筑面积之比。(Utility rate = building area/building area).(实用率=套内建筑面积/建筑面积)。38, shared public building area38、分摊的公用建筑面积Internal building area x common building area allocation coefficient.套内建筑面积×公用建筑面积分摊系数。39, public building area allocation coefficient = the sum of public building area/building area within the set.39、公用建筑面积分摊系数=公用建筑面积/套内建筑面积之和。40. Floor area ratio40、容积率The ratio of total construction area to construction land area.总建筑面积与建设用地面积之比。(Plot ratio = ground floor area/project area)(容积率=地上建筑面积/项目占地面积)41. Building coverage rate41、建筑覆盖率Also known as building density, is the ratio of the floor area of a building to the planned land.又称建筑密度,是建筑物基底占地面积与规划用地之比。(Building density = building area/planned construction land area)(建筑密度=建筑物占地面积/规划建设用地面积)42. Gross population density = estimated number of people/project area (unit: person/hectare)42、人口毛密度=项目估算人数/项目占地面积(单位:人/公顷)43. Green land rate43、绿地率It is the ratio of the green area within the scope of the planned construction land to the planned construction land.是规划建设用地范围内的绿地面积与规划建设用地的用地面积之比。(Greening rate = green area/project area)(绿化率=绿化占地面积/项目占地面积)44. Five certificates and issuing organs44、五证及发证机关(1) "State-owned Land Use Certificate" (Land and Resources Bureau), (2) "Construction Land Planning Permit" (Regulatory Commission), (3) "Construction Project Planning Permit" (Regulatory Commission), (4) "Construction Project Construction Permit" (Housing Commission), (5) "Commercial Housing Pre-sale Permit" (Housing Commission).(1)《国有土地使用证》(国土资源局)、(2)《建设用地规划许可证》(规委)、(3)《建设工程规划许可证》(规委)、(4)《建筑工程施工许可证》(住建委)、(5)《商品房预售许可证》(住建委)。45. State-owned land use Certificate45、国有土地使用证It is a legal document that proves that the land user has obtained the right to use a certain piece of state-owned land within a certain number of years by paying the right of use to the state.是证明土地使用者向国家支付使用权出让金,获得了在一定年限内某块国有土地使用权的法律凭证。46, land use years46、土地使用年限(1) Residential land for 70 years;(1)住宅用地70年;(2) 50 years of industrial land;(2)工业用地50年;(3) 40 years for commercial tourism and entertainment;(3)商业旅游娱乐用地40年;(4) 50 years for culture, education, health and sports;(4)文教、卫生、体育用地50年;(5) 50 years of comprehensive land use;(5)综合用地50年;(6) Garage land for 50 years.(6)车库用地50年。47. Construction land planning permit47、建设用地规划许可证It is a legal document for the construction unit to confirm that the location and scope of the construction project conform to the urban planning administrative department before applying to the land administration department for expropriation or allocation of land, and it is a legal document for the land use of the construction unit.是建设单位在向土地管理部门申请征用、划拨土地前,经城市规划行政主管部门确认建设项目位置和范围符合城市规划的法定凭证,是建设单位用地的法律凭证。48. Construction project planning permit48、建设工程规划许可证It is a legal certificate for the construction project to meet the requirements of urban planning.是有关建设工程符合城市规划要求的法律凭证。49, commercial housing pre-sale license49、商品房预售许可证It is an approval certificate issued by the real estate administration department of the municipal and county people's governments to allow real estate development enterprises to sell commercial housing.是市、县人民政府房地产管理部门允许房地产开发企业销售商品房的批准性证件。50. Two books50、两书"Residential Instruction Manual", "Residential Quality Guarantee".《住宅使用说明书》、《住宅质量保证书》。51, housing quality guarantee51、住宅质量保证书It is a housing quality assurance document provided by real estate development enterprises to buyers when commercial housing is delivered for use.是房地产开发企业在商品房交付使用时向购房人提供的住房质量保证文件。52. Residential instruction manual52、住宅使用说明书Is the real estate development enterprises in the delivery of commercial housing to the buyer of housing use instructions.是房地产开发企业在商品房交付使用时向购房人提供的住房使用的说明。53. Pre-sale of commercial housing53、商品房预售This can be understood simply as a pre-sale of a house before it has been built.可简单理解为房屋还未建成就预先出售。It refers to the real estate transaction in which the real estate development enterprise and the buyer agree that the buyer will pay the deposit or advance payment and own the existing house on a certain date in the future.是指房地产开发企业与购房者约定,由购房者交付定金或预付款,而在未来一定日期拥有现房的房产交易行为。Pre-sale prerequisite for the construction unit to obtain a commercial housing pre-sale license.预售前提为建设单位取得商品房预售许可证。The pre-sale license generally expires 4 months after the completion of the housing record or when the initial registration obtains the large property rights certificate.预售许可证一般在房屋竣工备案后4个月或者初始登记取得大产权证时到期。54, commercial housing for sale54、商品房现售The act of a real estate development enterprise selling a commodity house that has passed the completion and acceptance and has been initially registered to the buyer, and the buyer pays the price.房地产开发企业将竣工验收合格且已经初始登记的商品房出售给买受人,并由买受人支付房价款的行为。The premise is that the developer has obtained the "large property rights certificate" of the house.前提是开发商已经取得该房屋“大产权证”。55. Home ownership55、房屋所有权Also called house property rights, is the right of the house owner to monopolize all his houses.又叫房屋产权,是房屋所有人独占性地支配其所有的房屋的权利。The owner of a house may, within the scope prescribed by law, occupy, use, benefit from and dispose of his own house without the interference of others.房屋所有人在法律规定的范围内,可以排除他人的干涉,对其所有的房屋进行占有、使用、收益、处分。56, property certificate56、产权证Home Ownership Certificate.《房屋所有权证》的简称。It is a legal certificate for the state to protect the ownership of houses according to law, and a legally effective certificate issued by the real estate administrative authority of the people's government.是国家依法保护房屋所有权的合法凭证,是由人民政府房地产行政主管机关核发的具有法律效力的证件。The owner of the house to sell or rent the house.房屋所有权人凭证出售、出租房屋。The property rights certificate includes the following aspects: property rights category, property rights proportion, property address, property rights source, house structure, area, total number of minutes, other rights minutes and notes, and is equipped with the real estate surveying and mapping department of the household house plan.产权证包括以下几方面内容:产权类别、产权比例、房产坐落地址、产权来源、房屋结构、面积、共有数纪要、他项权利纪要和附记等,并配有房地产测绘部门的分户房屋平面图。Since March 1, 2015, the Provisional Regulations on Registration of Real Estate have been officially implemented, and various provinces and cities have successively started the work of replacing the Housing Ownership Certificate with the Real Estate Title Certificate.2015年3月1日起《不动产登记暂行条例》正式实施,各省市随之陆续启动了《不动产权证书》代替《房屋所有权证》的工作。57. Initial registration57、初始登记That is, the initial registration of housing ownership means that on the land obtained according to law, the newly built housing right holder holds the relevant certification documents and applies for ownership registration to the real estate administration department at or above the county level.即房屋所有权初始登记,指在依法取得的土地上,新建成的房屋权利人持有关证明文件,到县级以上的房产管理部门申请权属登记。Commonly known as the developer for big property certificate.俗称开发商办理大产权证。58. Transfer registration58、转移登记That is, the transfer of housing ownership registration, in the process of first-hand housing sales refers to the transfer of housing ownership from the developer to the buyer's name, commonly known as the small property certificate.即房屋所有权转移登记,在一手房买卖过程中是指将房屋所有权由开发商处过户到买房人名下,俗称办理小产权证。59, personal housing loans59、个人住房贷款The commercial banks and housing savings banks approved by the People's Bank of China shall implement the legal loan interest rate (also known as commercial loans) for the loans provided by urban residents to purchase housing.中国人民银行批准的商业银行和住房储蓄行,为城镇居民购买住房提供的贷款,执行法定贷款利率(也叫商业贷款)。The buyer borrowings from the bank with the house he purchased as collateral, and the developer shall bear the guarantee responsibility for the buyer before he obtains the property right certificate and goes through the mortgage procedures.购房人以所购房屋为抵押向银行借款,在未取得产权证并办理抵押手续前,由开发商给买房人承担担保责任。Therefore, it is generally required that the buyer entrust the developer to handle the property rights certificate in order to handle the mortgage procedures in time to release the guarantee responsibility.因此一般要求买房人委托开发商办理产权证以便及时办理抵押手续解除担保责任。60, provident fund loans60、公积金贷款It is a government policy housing loan, the loan object must be the depositor of the housing provident fund and must meet certain conditions, and the loan interest rate is lower than the commercial loan interest rate.是政府政策性住房贷款,贷款对象必须是住房公积金的缴存人并需达到一定条件,贷款利率比商业贷款利率低。Before obtaining the property rights certificate and handling the mortgage procedures, the guarantee center shall bear the guarantee responsibility for the buyer.在未取得产权证并办理抵押手续前,由担保中心给买房人承担担保责任。Therefore, the buyer will be required to entrust the developer to handle the property certificate in order to handle the mortgage procedures in time to release the guarantee responsibility因此会要求买房人委托开发商办理产权证以便及时办理抵押手续解除担保责任61, the buyer should pay what kinds of taxes?61、购房人一般应缴纳哪几种税?Mainly residential special maintenance funds (commonly known as public maintenance funds), stamp duty and deed tax.主要是住宅专项维修资金(俗称公共维修基金)、印花税和契税。62. Deed tax62、契税It refers to the one-time tax levied on the new owner of the house according to a certain proportion of the house price on the contract signed by the parties when the house ownership is transferred.指房屋所有权发生转移时,就当事人所订契约,按房价的一定比例向新的房屋产权人征收的一次性税收。Generally, when the housing is delivered, the developer collects the property rights on behalf of the developer or directly submits the property rights certificate to the tax authorities.一般在房屋交付时开发商代收或办理产权证时直接交给税务机关。Standard: Ordinary housing (family only) is 1.5% of the total house payment, other 3%.征收标准:普通住房(家庭唯一)为总房款的1.5%,其它为3%。From November 1, 2008, the deed tax rate for individuals who purchase ordinary housing of 90 square meters or less for the first time has been temporarily lowered to 1%.从08年11月1日起对个人首次购买90平米及以下普通住房的契税税率暂统一下调至1%。63, ordinary housing63、普通住房(State Council [2005] No. 26) Both "The General Office of the State Council forwarded the Ministry of Construction and other departments on the opinions on the stability of housing prices," the standard for ordinary housing provisions as follows:(国办发[2005]26号)既《国务院办公厅转发建设部等部门关于做好稳定住房价格工作意见的通知》中对普通住宅的标准的规定为:The building plot ratio of the residential district is above 1.0, the building area of a single set is below 120 square meters, and the actual transaction price is less than 1.2 times the average transaction price of housing on the same level of land.住宅小区建筑容积率在1.0以上、单套建筑面积在120平方米以下、实际成交价格低于同级别土地上住房平均交易价格1.2倍以下。Each province, autonomous region and municipality directly under the Central Government shall, in light of the actual situation, formulate specific standards for ordinary housing with preferential policies in their respective regions.各省、自治区、直辖市要根据实际情况,制定本地区享受优惠政策普通住房的具体标准。Allow a single set of building area and price standards to fluctuate appropriately, but the proportion of upward floating shall not exceed 20% of the above standards.允许单套建筑面积和价格标准适当浮动,但向上浮动的比例不得超过上述标准的20%。The standard for ordinary housing in Beijing is defined as a residential district building plot ratio of 1.0 or above, a single set of building area of 140 square meters or less, and the actual transaction price is less than 1.2 times the average transaction price of housing on the same level of land.北京普通住房标准定为住宅小区建筑容积率在1.0以上、单套建筑面积在140平方米以下、实际成交价格低于同级别土地上住房平均交易价格1.2倍以下。The actual transaction price is adjusted every year or every few years, so the specific price requirements are checked online.实际成交价格每年或没几年做一次调整,因此具体价格规定网上查询。64. Stamp Duty64、印花税It is a kind of tax levied on the units and individuals who write, use and receive documents with legal effect in economic activities and economic exchanges.是对经济活动和经济交往中书立、使用、领受具有法律效力的凭证的单位和个人征收的一种税。After November 1, 2008, personal sales and purchases of housing are temporarily exempted from stamp duty. The original stamp duty is five thousandths of the total house price, which is paid at the time of signing and affixed to the house sale contract;08年11月1日以后对个人销售和购买住房暂免征收印花税,原印花税为总房款的万分之五,签约时缴纳并贴在房屋买卖合同上;However, the developer must also pay according to the above standards and paste on the contract.但是,开发商还需按上述标准缴纳并贴在合同上。In addition, the buyer needs to pay 5 yuan/certificate stamp duty when applying for the title certificate, which is affixed to the title certificate, and most of this tax is collected by the developer in advance when checking in.此外,买房人在办理产权证时还需需交纳5元/证的印花税,贴在产权证上,此税大多在办理入住时由开发商提前代收。65, residential special maintenance funds65、住宅专项维修资金Commonly known as the public maintenance fund, the public part of residential buildings and public facilities, equipment maintenance fund.俗称公共维修基金,住宅楼房的公共部分和公用设施、设备的维修养护基金。It is collected by the Beijing Housing Fund Management Center when handling the initial registration (big property certificate), and sometimes the developer or property management company will collect it when the housing is delivered.由北京市住房资金管理中心在办理初始登记(大产权证)时收取,有时在房屋交付时开发商或物业管理公司会代收。If the purchase contract is signed before January 31, 2008, 2% of the total house payment is paid;在08年1月31日前签订购房合同的按总房款的2%缴纳;In 2008在08年

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